rating out of  1260  reviews
User profile - Bill Sautter.
Bill Sautter
After foot surgery, I have been using Grow Young Fitness three times a week for five years and find it helpful to "Keep Me move'n."Bill in California
2 years ago
User profile - Katherine Mabb.
Katherine Mabb
Hi everyone. If you are thinking of joining, go ahead. I sat on the fence doing exercises for a year with Deron before I BIT THE BULLET AND JOINED.It has been good for me as I have lost inches and pounds. You must be faithful and diligent with exercises combined with a good diet. When I joined, I could not believe ALL the exercises that were available to me. Go ahead,, you will enjoy exercising while getting body in shape. Scaled to your level and progress. Good luck. Katherine
2 years ago
Gail Anderson
Grow Young Fitness is fun. It something that helps me stay fit and keeps my body moving and more balanced. I feel great and strong!
2 years ago
Hilda Wright
For many years I have had problems with osteoarthritis. It was first diagnosed in my neck and is now in my back, knees, hips ankles, feet and hands. I fell three different times and each time landed flat on my knees. A few years ago it began affecting my mobility and doing everyday chores became an effort. I was told that I needed a total knee replacement. To buy me a little time, I had multiple injections in both knees, took pain medications, used topical anesthetics and even wore knee braces. Getting out of my chair was difficult and when I finally did get up, I had to use either a rolling walker or cane. I had gained a significant amount of weight which made the problems even worse. My husband passed away in 2019, so I realized that I had to make some changes or I was not going to be able to care for myself. Leaving the house to go to a gym or the YMCA for their exercise classes was not an option. Because of the pandemic, nothing was open in my area. I knew it was up to me. I first set a goal to get up and walk inside my home every hour during the day. That was quite a task but I was doing it. Then it happened. One day I saw something on Facebook about Grow Young Fitness. I clicked on the link and started reading. It sounded like what I really needed. I am a bit of a skeptic so I resorted to the internet and did a search to see what I could find on Grow Young Fitness and the Trainer, Deron, referred to in the Facebook link. With my homework done, I had only found positive information. I was very impressed with Deron’s credentials and the program so I signed up for only one segment. I chose the 30 day Fast Track Weight Loss Program because that sounded like a good start for me. I set myself up an area in my dining room to do the workouts and the very next morning I began my workout with Deron, my own personal trainer. That’s how he has always seemed to me . I know that each member sees him the same way. I knew right away that he really does have the best interest of each member at heart. After a couple of weeks, I was enjoying the program so much that I decided that I wanted to be able to have access to all the different programs that Grow Young Fitness has to offer.so I joined the Founders Club. It is amazing and I truly believe it has something to meet the needs of every senior out there, regardless of the severity of their problem.It has been over eight months now since I did my first workout with Deron and I can truthfully say that this is a remarkable fitness journey I am on. This programs isn’t just about the workouts I do. It has also done wonders for my mind and my emotional well being and Deron has a great nutrition program full of awesome information. that I enjoy. So here is what eight months of Grow Young Fitness has done for me. I wake up every morning looking forward to a good workout with my own personal trainer, I have lost forty pounds, I no longer need to wear braces on my knees and no longer require the use of a walker or cane. I have done a lot of walking in my house this winter but on nicer days, I go for a walk in my neighborhood and on most days I exceed 10,000 steps. I do several of the workouts that deal specifically with knees, hips and other arthritis problems such as hands and back. My pain has decreased from an 8 (on what was a good day) to a 3-4 on, what is now my worst day. Daily pain medication is a thing of the past and I never did have that total knee replacement. I am 74 years Young and it seems I keep feeling younger. I have not missed a day working out since the day I started. My only regret is that I did not discover Grow Young Fitness sooner.
2 years ago
Carol Liszewski
The Grow Young Fitness workouts are great because they are easy to do in the beginning and get harder as you go along. It’s amazing how great you feel after completing each workout. I lost over 100 pounds using these workouts along with a healthy diet and don’t think I could have done so without this wonderful exercise program. I also purchased the meal replacement which kept me feeling full and also tasted refreshing. I highly recommend this exercise program to anyone that wants to look and feel better!
2 years ago