rating out of  1260  reviews
I started because I had a balance problem from my cancer treatment and co tinued because if the diversity of programs and because Derron cheers us on. He even answers important questions himself.
2 years ago
Kathaleen Eppler
Grow Young Fitness is the best fitness program I have ever done. It is designed for seniors. It is “low impact” but you still get a tremendous workout without hurting yourself. Each routine has a warmup, a routine, and a cooldown, the way you are supposed to workout. Deron is very encouraging and constantly reminds you to not do something that hurts. The program has exercises for all the aches and pains that seniors have - knees, hips, backs, etc. Highly recommend Grow Young Fitness.
2 years ago
Love it. It has helped tremendously with balance and strength!
2 years ago
Pam Huebschman
Very good videos that I can do at home any time of the day. I have gained strength and endurance. My balance is better. I can not always do everything Deron asks of us, but what I can do has really made a difference. I pick and choose what I want to do. Really great for someone who does not want to pay a gym fee and then never go. I do these workouts at my pace and time frame. Grow Young Firness is a great rool
2 years ago
Lonna Johnson
This is a tremendous and motivating program. There is so much variety and gradual progression. It’s something that can be done at home with minimal equipment- a couple of dumbbells and a stretch band. I love it because my husband will do it with me which is very motivating. My results: greatly improved balance, much better sleep, more energy and strength. Thanks and kudos to Deron for creating this program. Oh - another benefit - it’s cheaper than a gym membership and I don’t have to pay for expensive gas to go to the gym.
2 years ago