I have been a member of Grow Young Fitness since May of 2020. The program is set up very well and you easily follow it day by day, as the exercises in each program are numbered. There is no guessing as to what to do next. I joined to support my balance and that was addressed on my first day. I have become stronger and my balance and flexibility have improved greatly. Deron supports us with supportive, encouraging texts, fun challenges, coaches (if you choose to have one), meal plans and information on good nutrition and how to prepare foods. He’s created supplements that are tasty and always asks us for feedback and what we’d like to see added to his program. He adds new exercises to his existing ones and they, for the most part, have moves that have been introduced before so there is no break-in period to get the steps right. I love this program, and Deron, and encourage you to try it. I also enjoy the Facebook group. Everyone is so supportive of one another. It’s heartwarming.