rating out of  1259  reviews
Kathy Babbitt
My husband & I started this program on the recommendation of a friend because he was having balance issues. He has had a lot of other things going on, and has not been able to workout with me all of the time; but his balance is better & I know the exercises are helping him. I am a faithful exerciser and really enjoy this program. I have a lot of arthritis... a lot of really painful joints...& a bad back. This keeps me going. I feel like this is as good as Therapy, & I am not needing to visit my Chiropractor as often. Thank You for doing this
2 years ago
Elaine Jones
The best thing yet for us “ Babyboomers”! You can’t ask for more! A great convenient way to stay healthy and focused.
2 years ago
Cindy Whiteley
Growing young fitness is a great program if your looking for somewhere to start.you get fitness and teaching you how to eat healthy and much more.Deron is a wonderful teacher and offers so much support, they have a awesome community of people to share with your stories.It’s everything in one place .
2 years ago
Ruth Eggers
Grow young fitness has relieved me of pain that I thought would last forever-knees, hips and shoulders. I also have gained strength and balance and find the exercises are not stressful and are explained in each movement. It really helps when Deron instructs which muscles need to be tensed and when to provide the best workout. He is there with hints and cautions and is easy to contact if there are questions.
2 years ago
Cathy Ford
I have been a member of Grow Young Fitness since May of 2020. The program is set up very well and you easily follow it day by day, as the exercises in each program are numbered. There is no guessing as to what to do next. I joined to support my balance and that was addressed on my first day. I have become stronger and my balance and flexibility have improved greatly. Deron supports us with supportive, encouraging texts, fun challenges, coaches (if you choose to have one), meal plans and information on good nutrition and how to prepare foods. He’s created supplements that are tasty and always asks us for feedback and what we’d like to see added to his program. He adds new exercises to his existing ones and they, for the most part, have moves that have been introduced before so there is no break-in period to get the steps right. I love this program, and Deron, and encourage you to try it. I also enjoy the Facebook group. Everyone is so supportive of one another. It’s heartwarming.
2 years ago