rating out of  1258  reviews
Susan Bilecky
Best workout program ever! This program is geared for seniors but I think it’s great for anyone wanting to start exercising and get healthier. The variety of workouts keep you from getting bored and the fact that they are progressive helps you build up your strength and stamina. You never feel like giving up! You really can do it! I can’t believe that I look forward to exercising everyday! Thank you, Deron!
2 years ago
Patricia Price
This review is not for the general public but for those of you at home base. I really enjoy the concept of exercising from a chair and appreciate your text messages. I have a challenging health condition that I trust will be getting better over the months ahead. I am not even able to do your exercises from the chair and I’m now doing yoga from a chair, very gentle yoga. I did not want you to think that it was your program that was falling short. It is my health condition that is keeping me from doing that level of exercise even though it is a very low level of exercise that is much needed by so many people. Keep up the good work and don’t take offense if I unsubscribe to the text messages. I will come back to your program when I am doing better.
2 years ago
Mary Ann Essig
My husband and I were using the program in California and when we moved across country we stopped, boy was that a mistake. Now settled in South Carolina we signed up for one year because we know this program is exactly what we need. It’s such a well thought out program, gradually increasing and strengthening our bodies, we are going to take Deron’s advice and keep it moving. 😊
2 years ago
Sharon Kile
I've been doing Derons videos for som time. But then I joined Founders. I am more motivated doing them on my computer. Feels like he's right there. Things are going slow weight wise. I excerise 3 to 5 times a week. I love how he tricks us, the encouragement is awesome. I look forward to excerising now. Gives me energy to feel good, move better and wanting to keep busy with other stuff. Thanks Deron.
2 years ago
Beatrice Harne
I love the program! I can do it any time I want to, no driving anywhere. It is very versatile, I love to pick and choose what to do each day! Great program!
2 years ago