I learned a bunch of things, and I’m happy with my final result — and it's something I couldn’t have made without this course. But I must admit, at times I found this course very frustrating. It’s difficult to follow along step-by-step — Cov frequently changes his mind about things, and will add or subtract elements outside the lessons. The techniques taught in the course can be inefficient — like not using a mirror modifier and instead manually duplicating and positioning a mesh opposite its twin. And I wish there had been a more robust exploration of scene optimization (I ended up rendering my scene in layers, but this is not explained in the course). Still, though, I would recommend this course to people who have a decent knowledge of Blender. If you're like me, you might find certain things frustrating, but you'll probably learn a lot, and you'll know where it makes sense to deviate from Cov's techniques. I had the most fun after I stopped trying to follow along step by step.