rating out of  29  reviews
Creating a realistic environment requires meticulous attention to detail, and the course guides you through all of the steps - from the importance of initial research and concept, to the modeling, unwrapping, texturing and setting up props. While the end result can get quite complex, the process is split up in simple and manageable actions. The focus is not really on optimized modeling (rather on fast and easy to modify), but I think where it really shines is the material creation. On the overall, I had fun with this course and learned a few tricks.
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a year ago
Cyber Kriss
"I just can't believe you made this". These were the words of my friends when I showed them the final result of this course. CG Boost is at it again with another gem. The instructor, Cov Phillips, a passionate 3D artist, will lead you throughout the course to achieve an amazing result. You will learn how to gradually compose an urban scene. Starting with simple and efficient modeling, bringing life to it with amazing texturing techniques (I did learn a ton of cool tricks in this course !), to scene kitbashing using free online assets. Cherry on top is the use of the free version of DaVinci Resolve to color grade and add some elements to your scene, achieving a vibrant result. If you liked the environment course from Martin, this one will complete your skill set for sure. After that, well... the only limit is your imagination. ;)
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a year ago
Nicholas Bramah
A truly excellent teaching resource for scene building and urban scene setup, both within Blender and in general. Whether you have no prior knowledge or years of working with Blender going into this course, I guarantee from personal experience that you will finish this course as a stronger 3D artist than when you started. This course focuses on the fundamentals at every stage of the project, and both clearly explains, how and why the challenges being faced during the project are solved in a particular way each time. Nothing is left unexplained or vague, and the focus is constantly on maintaining a positive problem-solving mindset throughout, providing an excellent springboard into future work. To put is simply, if you are even moderately interested in designing urban scenes in Blender, then this course is more than worth the asking price.
a year ago
Simone Raneri (IRS74)
Philip Cov's course is clear in content, is endowed with lucidity and clear intentions with solid constructions of the contents, leaving the student time to allow the things learned to settle in a profound way, even unconsciously, allowing him to then express all the own creativity. This is a great course, a manual, that I couldn't do without. With this wealth of experience, the limit is only one's imagination! (4,8 ★)
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a year ago
Geoff Allen
I learned a bunch of things, and I’m happy with my final result — and it's something I couldn’t have made without this course. But I must admit, at times I found this course very frustrating. It’s difficult to follow along step-by-step — Cov frequently changes his mind about things, and will add or subtract elements outside the lessons. The techniques taught in the course can be inefficient — like not using a mirror modifier and instead manually duplicating and positioning a mesh opposite its twin. And I wish there had been a more robust exploration of scene optimization (I ended up rendering my scene in layers, but this is not explained in the course). Still, though, I would recommend this course to people who have a decent knowledge of Blender. If you're like me, you might find certain things frustrating, but you'll probably learn a lot, and you'll know where it makes sense to deviate from Cov's techniques. I had the most fun after I stopped trying to follow along step by step.
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a year ago