Google Reviews

4.9 rating out of 269 reviews

User profile - Aidan.
This program is an extremely helpful guide to VCE English Language. It has in depth analysis for Short Answer, AC, and Essay. Would 100% recommend.
User profile - Maya Buchanan.
Maya Buchanan
Richard's tutoring has helped me have a better understanding on how to write essays and ACs. The way he teaches makes it easy to understand how to do well in English language.
User profile - Amelia Dimech.
Amelia Dimech
Richard's resources were easily accessible and have a set structure which is easy to follow in order to enhance my AC and essay responses. Also, his weekly lectures are at a convenient time and have a good balance of content to application within them. I definitely recommend if you are looking to do better in English Langauge.
User profile - Thea Mills.
Thea Mills
richard's resources and step by step guides have helped me to become better and more confident in english language
User profile - Olly R.
Olly R
High quality eng lang information all in one place! Great pre exam prep and makes the subject a lot easier to understand!
User profile - Mehera Nazrin.
Mehera Nazrin
I was having quite a lot of trouble with English Language in 1/2, however, after coming here, I think I've gotten much better. I actually started English Language thinking that this would be more procedural, and a better fit for more math and science oriented students, and while this does not always happen in school, it is definitely the case for this tutor. I love that every time i implement a step taught by the tutors, I can feel my writing improving, whether that be for SAQs, ACs, or essays. I would definitely recommend!
User profile - George Seresli.
George Seresli
Very very detailed and thorough content that will assist me in achieving my English Language goals. It feels like cheat codes! Thank you
User profile - Billy Wu (billyyythekid21).
Billy Wu (billyyythekid21)
Richard's resources are easy to understand and have benefitted me in improving my metalanguage and essay-writing skills in English Language, especially the plug-and-play writing plans that make it easier to structure my responses and simple but also detailed and helpful explanations of every aspect in the course.
User profile - Noah Gloster.
Noah Gloster
Hey Richard, I just came from your Exam Revision meeting today from 1-3pm. I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the help you and your team has put in! Something amazing that I've found from the meeting is how you've given really concise steps on how to improve on each area of the subject. Something definitely that differs from my own classes is that you've covered every single area so that there's no where you can go wrong. Thanks again, I will definitely recommend you to my friends.
User profile - Matthew Risson.
Matthew Risson
I think Richard's tutoring is very methodical as it lays out clear plans for English Language essays and ACs that are rarely addressed in school, highly recommend for students more used to a math-based learning approach.