It’s day 98 and Stefan’s clocked over 4,900kms, with less than 1,000kms to go. To help shine the light on this epic challenge we’re giving away a CCC care package to one lucky follower at five significant milestones to Stefan, on his way back up to Cape Reinga. The first milestone was the capital of Aotearoa, Pōneke (Wellington) which he powered through over the New Year.
For your chance to win the Wellington CCC care package (selection of CCC kit valued at $250), all you have to do to enter is tag a mate in the comments below. You and your mate must be following both stefanozich and canterburyofnz. There is no limit on entries/tags.
There will be one winner randomly drawn and will be notified via DM.The winner will have 24 hours to respond before the prize is redrawn. This competition runs from 06/01/25– 01/03/25. CCC will have the final say and have the right to amend or cancel at any time.
Head to the link in our bio to join The Long Path and support Stefan’s mission.