. Killer of moons Devoured minds Blood on finger tips Let me take you to Another World ! #anotherworld #ephemeraldyadic
. Fits for the naked soul ! #ephemeraldyadic
. Sheets after sex Expired milk Misted windows No Taboos ! #notaboos #ephemeraldyadic
. Ecstasy in liquid ! #liquidskin #ephemeraldyadic
. Burned in darkness ! #darkdreams #ephemeraldyadic
. Armpits in vanilla Mirages on moonlight Deserts with bones Ozymandias ! #ozymandias #ephemeraldyadic
. You never know if your in flame Tying me up with elastic words I'm on a countdown till I get hurt #missingfeeling #ephemeraldyadic
. Cells in chromium ! Liquid Skin #liquidskin #ephemeraldyadic
. The golden lights, the loving prayers The colored shoes, the empty trains Dark Dreams #ephemeraldyadic #darkdreams