“Utopian Uniform”
A world where people and nature are in harmony and resonate together. That is the utopia we are aiming for.
This project is a challenge to realize the abundance of the earth and human beings based on this philosophy.
In this ideal symbiotic relationship, we rethought the ideal state of clothing, and as an answer to this question, we have created highly functional and versatile clothing using Brewed Protein as a material.
Brewed Protein is a designed protein produced from plant-derived raw materials through microbial fermentation, offering a new solution to environmental problems.
Through this technology, we will continue to move toward a future in which people and nature coexist in greater abundance.
We have named the garment “Utopian Uniform” to express our deepest desire to envision the future society together and to explore technologies to realize the abundance of the earth and human beings.
共生する理想的な関係性の中で、衣服の在り方を見つめ直し、その答えとしてBrewed Proteinを素材に用いた、高い機能性と汎用性を兼ね備えたウェアを生み出しました。
Brewed Proteinは、植物由来の原料を微生物発酵によって生み出された、デザインされたタンパク質で、環境問題への新たな解決策を提示します。
未来の社会を共に描き、地球と人間の豊かさを実現するためのテクノロジーの探求 ―― この深い想いを込めた衣服を、「ユートピアン・ユニフォーム」と名付けました。
Wool x BP Wholegarment Cardigan [GL44701]
Wool x BP Wholegarment Crew Neck [GL44702]