This resort was beautiful both above and below the water. The views form the beach and from the bures when the high-noon light is shinging into the water are the stuff of tropical island dreams.
The reef out front is pretty nice, thoug ... See More
This resort was beautiful both above and below the water. The views form the beach and from the bures when the high-noon light is shinging into the water are the stuff of tropical island dreams.
The reef out front is pretty nice, thought maybe not as nice as the protected (no fishing) reefs somewhere like Barefoot Manta, it still offers great snorkeling just off the beach and we were in the water twice per day.
The rooms are very nice and being able to sleep under the cool air of a minisplit is very nice after hot and humid temps all day.
The food was also good, and in large quantities. Before posting this review, I noticed someone else gave this palce 2 stars, claiming that the meal portions were tiny. I honestly cannot understnd this. The food was beautifully prepared- especially considering that you are manh miles from civilizatoin and everything you wat muts be brought at great expense from the mainland. Dinner was 3 courses and the portion sizes so generous, we felt like we were constantly wasting food. I even tried, unsucessfully, a couple of times, to have them bring me smaller portions (e.g. a 2 egg omlette instead of 3). So what I would say is if you are not an athlete in their prime that needs 4000 calories per day or the person that goes to McDonalds and eats 4 Big Macs and 2 large fries with every meal, you do not need to wrry about getting enough to eat.
Finally, like ther rest of my experience in Fiji, the staff here were very nice and helpful. I guess if you have been before, Fiji is known for its friendly citizens, but it makes a tropical beach vacation that much better!