General information about the platform, prices, account details and similar.
Help articles about EmbedReviews, how to setup up your account, create your feeds, and embed your reviews on any website.
Help articles about EmbedFeed how you can generate your social media feeds, and embed them on any website.
Help articles for Feedlink, how to setup your account, create your feedlink url, make customization to your feedlink page and make it unique
Help articles about EmbedStories, how to generate your stories, create highlights and display them on any website.
Help articles about EmbedAlbum, how to displaly your social media photos, albums and galleries on any website
Learn everything about creating online forms and using our form builder.
Learn how to integrate your widgets on different web builders, landing pages, etc.
Latest features and product updates.
Easily sync your Shopify products with EmbedSocial to create shoppable social media feeds and boost engagement