I am a student. I really want to publish my game in google play, however, due to lack of time, i cant learn to code or find myself a app developer software. But, with quickapp ninja, making application is quite easy. I am still learning ...
I am a software developer and for the longest time my dream was to publish a game in google play, but some of the knowledge and skills I lacked and of course time, this was difficult. However, with quick app ninja I was able to create my ...
I am an Android developer beginner, so totally confused with coding. That why i searched for drag and drop type app developing options. So i found many of them in internet. I tried Mobincube and Appsygear, both are not good with my thoug ...
a site that is very helpful in making games without coding and is also free ...
anyone can make games easily and anyone can get money through advertisements that appear
thank you QuickAppNinja
I found QuickApp Ninja on Google, when I was searching for making android games for beginners. I was really surprised when I saw QuickApp Ninja at first, I just have to make the app like by filling in the forms. I made my first game on t ...