UR LiFE Hydra-Slim Plus Customer Reviews

5.0 rating out of 140 reviews

Kim Jarvis
I have struggled with an eating disorder for about 20 years and I would starve myself as a way of self harm, and if I thought I'd put on too much weight. No matter how skinny I was I always felt fat!!Whilst pregnant with my first daughter people were telling me how healthy I looked. I took that as I was fat!! So after she was born I starved myself. I lost too much weight and have since struggled getting back to a healthy weight.I said to myself after this pregnancy that I was going to lose the weight in a healthy way, and not starve myself.I added Hydraslim Plus into my daily routine and I have achieved a healthy weight and I see an improved silhouette, as well as less cellulite! I'm so happy with my results, I can't stop smiling and did a little happy dance!!I haven't changed my eating habits at all, even had takeaway at least once a week, and chocolate and sweets most evenings!! All I've done is sipped on Hydraslim Plus for 25 days!
3 years ago
Samantha Smyth
This is my number one product I absolutely love my hydraslim plus ,its helped me so much with my health gives me that boost of energy and I even get all the natural ingredients .Iv lost weight too I have it daily with water and the taste is good 😋 if u miss a day I can really tell as I feel tried
3 years ago
Charlotte Overton
I absolutely adore hydraslim ive been on this product now for 7 weeks. I literally cant live with out it i take it every morning and it just makes me feel alive, the energy i get from it is something else, i feel happier in myself, i also notice it helps me from feeling so bloated which if i eat certain foods previously i had now with this magic drink i dont.The best part of this product is that it stops me from snacking which for me being overweight is soo important and this makes me feel fuller for longer which is a godsend. So far i am 15 pounds down from drinking hydraslim an eating healthier an adding in exercise. This product its my favourite and i cant be with out it now.
3 years ago
Tracy Johnson
As a Colonic Hydrotherapist I’m all about hydration and encouraging my clients to put natural wholesome foods into there body. This bottle of magic I would recommend all day every day to anyone that will listen! Packed full of nature’s goodness! It’s been heaven sent for me as I have ME/CFS , under active thyroid so losing weight and having lack of energy with an aching body was something I have felt on a regular basis .....not anymore!! This is hydration on overdrive. I love it!!
3 years ago
Rajinver Sandher
What can I say I have been using Hydraslim for nearly a whole year now and I can honestly say that the results I have had have been truly life changing.To start with I used it for weight loss and boy did I get results, now however I use it for the health benefits alongside eating a good diet.Now I feel that I cannot be without this product, not gonna lie I’ve taken a break and my gosh does my body feel it, the benefits I get range from total relief from pms which I really felt when I tested it on a break, the best one however had been no wind or indigestion these benefits have been amazing. This is a real naturalSolution to natural problem that is the best thing about this amazing tonic. Thank you Actilabs these products have been a game changer.
3 years ago
Evelyne Berger
J’aime bien ce produit, il m’apporte un bienfait Et je le recommande à mes connaissances
5 months ago
Carole veilleux
This is the extra I needed to lose a couple of pounds. It helps to stop snaking at night time.
7 months ago
Jennie Moen
Love it so far, only been taking it for about 1 month but I feel its kick started my metabolism a bit already. Looking forward to seeing further results as the the months go on!
8 months ago