I have struggled with an eating disorder for about 20 years and I would starve myself as a way of self harm, and if I thought I'd put on too much weight. No matter how skinny I was I always felt fat!!Whilst pregnant with my first daughter people were telling me how healthy I looked. I took that as I was fat!! So after she was born I starved myself. I lost too much weight and have since struggled getting back to a healthy weight.I said to myself after this pregnancy that I was going to lose the weight in a healthy way, and not starve myself.I added Hydraslim Plus into my daily routine and I have achieved a healthy weight and I see an improved silhouette, as well as less cellulite! I'm so happy with my results, I can't stop smiling and did a little happy dance!!I haven't changed my eating habits at all, even had takeaway at least once a week, and chocolate and sweets most evenings!! All I've done is sipped on Hydraslim Plus for 25 days!