I suffer with health anxiety, and have done for over 10 years. This means that I will spend far too many minutes of my day, week and sometimes month, obsessing about an ache, pain, or injury of some sort, believing that it could be something sinister. These thoughts consume me day and night and is sadly, a cycle that I struggle to break.Anxiety for me, is a continuous cycle of battling between my rational thought process and an unknown fear, which leaves me exhausted, frustrated and missing far to many wonderful things in life.Due to a flare up over Christmas, (I’m great at self sabotaging), I decided to try the LIFE SOUL supplement and keep a note of how I was feeling.By the end of day 2 I had noticed a sense of calm within myself and my mind, an ease from the tiring over thinking that fills my day.By day 5, I had reduced the body scanning, something I can do up to 5 times an hour. It hadn’t stopped completely, but certainly reduced enough to