Sunday Scaries aren’t so bad when you’ve got groups like these! Still thinking about this weekend #48hours
We had so much fun with our scavenger hunt today! Congrats to our winners!
48hours is fully underway! Our host Nichole shared her own story about transition #bc2022
Check out some of our 2018 Orientation Leaders abroad this semester!
Thank you to our awesome #bc48hours Leaders and Council members for making this weekend possible. You all are just wonderful!
What a difference two days can make. #bc48hours
All the smiles on #BC48Hours
Moments of reflection #bc48hours #bc360 #bctraditions
A huge thank you to Dave Evans for his inspiring words last night during #bcconvocation. And to all our volunteers for making the event a smashing success - despite the rain! More photos to come next week! #designingyourlife #bc360 #bc22