Congrats to Dean’s Scholar and History Major Joseph Imburgia #bc360 historyclubbc historyisthebestmajor #bragbragbrag
Congrats to Dean’s Scholar and History Major Erin Sheedy! erin_sheedy #bc360 historyclubbc historyisthebestmajor #bragbragbrag
Congrats to Dean’s Scholar and History Major Oliver Dilger ! oliver.dilger #bc360 historyclubbc historyisthebestmajor #bragbragbrag
Congrats to Dean’s Scholar and History Major Benjamin Chieng ! #bc360 historyclubbc historyisthebestmajor #bragbragbrag
Congratulations to all the Dean’s Scholars in the History Department.
Dean’s Scholars are selected “on the basis of their overall academic performance, the recommendations from their departmental fa...
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Teresa Yu! #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Mckayla Yoo! #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Sean Stebbins sean_stebbins #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Mikayla Sanchez mikayla_sanchez #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar Ethan Raye!! ethanjraye #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Gage Higgins !gjhigs280 #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Giovanna Eichner giovanna_eichner #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Niamey Diver! niamhrdiver #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to History Major and 2021 Sophomore Scholar, Madeline Bowden !madelinebowden0 #bragbragbrag bc360 historyclubbc
Congratulations to our 2021 Sophomore Scholars!
The Sophomore Scholar award recognizes students in the top 4-5% in their class who have been nominated by their departments. As the Dean’s Office says...