The earliest domestic cat on the Silk Road We present the earliest evidence for domestic cat (Felis catus L., 1758) from Kazakhstan, found as a well preserved skeleton with extensive osteological p...
Large DNA Study Traces Violent History of American Slavery Scientists from the consumer genetics company 23andMe have published the largest DNA study to date of people with African ancestry in the ...
ICE Confirms New Foreign Students Can't Take Online-Only Course Loads In The U.S. The agency says Friday that guidance granting visa flexibility to international students only applies to those who ...
No. Words.
After Finding No Evidence Hat Was Abe Lincoln's, Illinois Historian Is Out Of A Job Samuel Wheeler is out as state historian months after finding no new evidence a multimillion dollar stovepipe hat...
Trump administration drops restrictions on online-only instruction for foreign students The Trump administration has rescinded its policy that would bar international students who only take online ...
The 1066 diet: Normans passed on their love of pork, study suggests Study suggests pork and possibly chicken became more popular after arrival of William the Conqueror
Universities slam Trump administration rules barring international students - The Boston Globe Colleges and universities are in furious upheaval following strict, unexpected rules announced this we...
Maynard - Global Boston The Assabet Mill in Maynard, 1881. Founded in 1847, the mill employed generations of immigrant workers for over a hundred years.
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W. E. B. Du Bois' Hand-Drawn Infographics of African-American Life (1900) Visually dazzling set of hand-drawn charts created by Du Bois, condensing an enormous amount of data on African-American li...
The Japanese Ghost Town Buried Deep in a Canadian Forest Archaeologists have dug up sake bottles and delicate rice bowls.
An interesting long read by Kwame Anthony Appiah.
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