Photo post.
October 03, 2020
“I used to say that I am the kind of person who chases joy. When I was looking at colleges, I chose ...
Photo post.
March 03, 2020
“Ever since I was a little boy, I have loved to sing. I love it because at the centre of putting a t...
Photo post.
March 02, 2020
#Repost bcstm with make_repost ・・・ "When I came to the US, I had an uncertain hope that in a year so...
Photo post.
February 28, 2020
“As a woman who considers herself a feminist, I am often questioned by those outside of the Christia...
Photo post.
February 21, 2020
“I find joy in my everyday life with my family, my friends, co-workers and students at the STM. My ...