Video post from Montgomery College.
User profile - Montgomery College.
Montgomery College
on August 28, 2020
¿Cómo serán las clases este otoño? En esta sesión informativa respondemos muchas preguntas como la diferencia entre clases virtuales a distancia y estructuradas o sobre ayuda financiera. Subtítu...
Video post from Montgomery College.
User profile - Montgomery College.
Montgomery College
on August 25, 2020
Preguntas y respuestas sobre el semestre de otoño 2020 ¿Cómo será el semestre de otoño? ¿Qué tipo de ayuda financiera hay? ¿Puedo ir a clases en el campus? El semestre que empieza será diferent...
Video post from Montgomery College.
User profile - Montgomery College.
Montgomery College
on August 20, 2020
Taking Classes this Fall at Montgomery College What will the fall semester be like? What is online vs remote vs structured remote; and will I need to come to campus? What about financial aid? #...
Video post from Montgomery College.
User profile - Montgomery College.
Montgomery College
on August 19, 2020
How You Can Succeed at MC in Fall 2020! The Fall Semester of 2020 at MC will be different than previous semesters with most courses being taught off-campus. Associate Senior VP for Academic Aff...