on July 10, 2022
This week begins with airway workshop on Mon, CPC by 2nd year PCCM Fellow Dr. Schechter on Tues, a talk on ARDS by our PD @AmiraMohamedMD on Wed, a talk on shock by Dr. Karwa on Thurs, and finally ...

on July 01, 2022
Welcome aboard!! https://t.co/vbIMpiEOaV
After 13 years of medical education and training, I’m super excited to join the faculty at @MontefioreCCM and @EinsteinMed as a Neurocritical Care attendin...

on June 28, 2022
Outside of work, Dr. Moskowitz likes to keep busy by hanging out with and caring for his three children, and learning how to garden. Fun facts about Dr. Moskowitz: he is a trained private pilot, an...