On Monday October 18th Mayor Donchez will welcome State Minister Michelle Müntefering, the deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, to the City of Bethlehem. Her visit is in support of the joint...
On Friday, October 15, 2021, Pit Master Quartez (Q) Moore and his wife Veronica officially opened and cut the ribbon for Taste Smokers, 318 E. 3rd Street, Bethlehem. Welcome to you and your team.
A contractor working for the Armory Project on 2nd Avenue will begin work today to mill and overlay the road between Spring and Prospect Streets. The road will be closed for the next few days and into...
North Street: The City’s Streets Bureau will be paving North Street beginning Monday between New Street and Guetter Street and will need to close the road and restrict parking from 7am – 3pm each day...