"Maya Angelou said, 'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' I believe that the BC Dining Services staff lives this out in the most beautiful ways. It has been a gift to learn from their example in my past two years at Boston College.
Individuals who work at BC Dining live out the call to be 'humans with others.' Not only do they work tirelessly to make sure that all of our needs are met, but they truly encounter each of us every day. I was actually joking with a friend about how the BC Dining staff cover all of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, from giving us nourishment for our physiological needs to empowering us to be our best selves for our self-actualization. They strive to help us all feel welcomed and know that somebody is looking out for us at BC. These staff members were particularly important for me as a first-year student because they always made me feel like I was 'a somebody.' The people in BC Dining embody what it means to share big love in the small moments: the way they meet us where we are, intentionally ask about our days, learn our names, and put big smiles on our faces. I am forever grateful to be friends with them!" - Mary Clare Scalise '23