“I immigrated from London, and experienced many challenges. Nevertheless, my parents were very supportive, and always reiterated the importance of education. I started from a humble beginning and recognized how strong my family's faith and foundation was, which contributed to my developmental growth.
I cherish the opportunities that I have been given thus far. They have deeply humbled my experiences at Boston College. I don't take anything for granted; I appreciate the small things in life. And my faith plays an integral part in my life.
My role as the Director of the Montserrat Coalition has allowed me to connect with the students holistically. Students have been vulnerable and entrusted me with their personal experiences, which I don't take for granted. I appreciate that very much. However, transparency has enabled me to serve the students at a level that respects, honors, and values them. It's important for me, knowing that the students are thriving at Boston College, this is inspiring and gives me joy.
I've committed my time at Boston College to empower the students to become future leaders. My goal is to continue to eliminate the perceived barriers, so they can pursue their spiritual, social, and intellectual development.
Being a proud double Eagle and a BC mom continues to empower and inspire me on my journey serving the Montserrat community. I know my labor is not in vain.
And remember what I always say, 'If you are working on something that you really care about, you don't need to be pushed to do it!'” - Yvonne McBarnett '05 '09, P'16,'23, a.k.a. Ms. Smiley, Director of the Montserrat Coalition