“During my semester abroad in Amman, Jordan, I started to more fully understand the importance and necessity of action. My program was specifically based on 'Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action' through the School for International Training. This program was especially influential due to its experiential learning aspect. In this way, I was not only able to learn from some of the most qualified people on the lecture topic but, in many cases, was also able to see and experience the work they are doing. I learned that, while it is important to be continuously learning, if we never act that learning is for nothing. For our lecturers to not act would be detrimental for numerous, innocent lives. While I'm not qualified or knowledgeable enough to know the right next steps for refugee and humanitarian crises, I can keep educating myself and advocate both on campus and in my own life. Doing so might allow others to recognize the many issues going on in the world that deserve our attention.
Upon coming back to BC, I continued this passion by joining the Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassadors program on campus, which focuses mainly on advocacy. I am continually humbled by all that I do not know, yet this gives me the courage and drive to keep learning and trying to do something of substance so others can learn as well. To me, advocacy is one way to uphold the inherent dignity of the voiceless and forgotten, especially the refugees, so that one day we can all work towards a better, brighter future where they can speak and be heard themselves." -Stephanie Madzey '19