BYU Religious Studies Center
December 16, 2021
In this week’s “Come, Follow Me” resources, E. Jeffrey Hill and David C. Dollahite said, “The process of becoming a faithful father is, in essence, the process of becoming like God. It is an apprenticeship. As a man seeks God’s help to preside, provide, protect, and partner in righteousness, he receives divine direction. Just as an apprentice learns line upon line from his master, so faithful fathers can look to God for guidance, and they too will learn.”
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Photo: Ante Hamersmit
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 13, 2021
Our latest release, “From Creation to Sinai: The Old Testament through the Lens of the Restoration,” edited by Daniel L. Belnap and Aaron P. Schade, can be preordered on Deseret Book!
Visit Deseret Book for more information:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 08, 2021
Our latest release, “From Creation to Sinai: The Old Testament Through the Lens of the Restoration,” edited by Daniel L. Belnap and Aaron P. Schade, can be preordered on Deseret Book!
Visit Deseret Book for more information:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 03, 2021
To deepen your study this Christmas season, the RSC has great resources on the birth and life of Christ. Start with the “Gospel Topics” page on our website and explore what interests you.
Find the page here:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 15, 2021
In alignment with this week’s “Come, Follow Me” study, learn more about the role of Jesus Christ in establishing eternal families in the article “The Doctrines of Eternal Marriage and Eternal Families.”
Read here:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 10, 2021
Learn more about the history and significance of the Articles of Faith in Ryan S. Gardner's article "The Articles of Faith: A Framework for Teaching the Doctrine of the Restoration."
Read the full article here:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 07, 2021
“For us of latter days, the Nativity story is more than a perfect witness of the birth of the Savior. In it we find the pattern by which the knowledge of God is to be restored and go forth once again among all the nations of the earth.”
—Joseph Fielding McConkie
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 02, 2021
Joseph Stuart said of Joseph F. Smith, “Despite the loss of his father, uncles, grandfather, mother, siblings, wives, and children, he never stepped away from his optimism that he would meet them again on the other side of the veil. . . . Through his faith in Jesus Christ, and also through the vicissitudes he had faced in losing so many friends and family, he was uniquely prepared to receive this vision of the redemption of the dead.
Learn more about Joseph F. Smith and his vision here:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 14, 2021
Looking for a gift for a loved one? The Religious Studies Center published several books this year that would be the perfect way to spread joy. See a full list of books here:
BYU Religious Studies Center
December 09, 2021
In the latest edition of the Religious Educator, Bret Gunderson said, “Perhaps one reason for Christ to take upon himself our pains, sicknesses, and sins is that we need his empathy in our process of improving and forgiving ourselves. He knows what it's like to go from intolerable pain and self-loathing to peace.”
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BYU Religious Studies Center
December 06, 2021
“From Creation to Sinai: The Old Testament through the Lens of the Restoration,” edited by Daniel L. Belnap and Aaron P. Schade.
For some, the Old Testament is a difficult volume to read, much less understand. The language, symbolism, and history depicted within it can be challenging and at times frustrating. Modern biblical research and the methodologies used in that research have opened up this book of scripture to greater understanding. So too have the restoration of the priesthood and continuing revelation, which have revealed that the Old Testament patriarchs are not simply literary examples of righteous behavior in the past but living beings who have engaged with the Saints in this dispensation. This volume incorporates both academic insights and restoration revelation, thus demonstrating the way in which both can be used to gain greater insight into these pivotal narratives.
For more information, visit