Photo post from Ascent College.
July 05, 2021
Read and share a new blogpost from President Rhoden on confession! • Sp...
Photo post from @Ascent_Now.
July 02, 2021
We love our international students!Meet Kaungsu Latt and his wife and little girl from Myanmar (Burm...
Photo post from Ascent College.
July 02, 2021
STUDENT HIGHLIGHT! • We love our international students!Meet Kaungsu Latt and his wife and little gi...
Photo post from @Ascent_Now.
June 29, 2021
Join us in welcoming our 27th partner site!! • King Street Church with Pastor David Malcolm! Incred...
Photo post from Ascent College.
June 29, 2021
Join us in welcoming our 27th partner site!! • King Street Church with Pastor David Malcolm! Incred...