Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party is bringing the magic to guests through dynamic moments that take place on the ice and in the air. Disney On Ice pr...
Holly Mitchell Hattaway and Leah Cadoura you are the winners of the Brothers Osborne Denim & Diamond Ticket Giveaway presented by Columbus Hospice! Your Tickets...
🚨 Did anyone lose a pet near Columbus Civic Center ? 📍
Denim and Diamonds
August 11, 2023
Brothers Osborne is coming to Columbus Civic Center! Tickets go On-Sale Now!!!
Here's What's Happening at Columbus Civic Center https://mailchi.mp/856bf04cc911/heres-whats-happening-at-columbus-civic-center
Tri-City Latino Festival takes place September 16th 12 PM - 9 PM at Columbus Civic Center
Don’t Miss an Amazing Cultural Experience! Food, Fun & More!!!