Lynn Coates
Commendation - Austin Computers
I had cause to call Justin at Austin Computers to ascertain a day and date to bring my computer tower to him as it was causing me a problem.
For many years I have relied upon Justin for his computer knowledge and expertise.
I am always so impressed by Justin’s ability to provide a succinct and precise computer diagnosis that I simply could not let this quality of service pass without comment in the public arena.
I hope you are all listening?
I believe it is never too early or too late to acknowledge and thank those whose help is invaluable and whose tone of voice on the telephone is such that you know you are being treated as a valued Austin Computers client.
And Justin always does that.
First Impression – you only get one chance to make a good impression! Justin’s attention to detail is exemplary.
What impresses me the most is Justin’s positive nature, his politeness, his meticulous attention to every detail leaving me with no unanswered questions with regard to my computer ignorance.
Austin Computers are, in my humble opinion, truly blessed to have Justin Rodrigues on staff because he is a credit not only to Austin Computers but to the general public who patronise them for Justin’s genuine expertise and professionalism.
As a self-appointed ambassador, my personal experience with Austin Computers in general and Justin Rodrigues in particular is, upon reflection, very much appreciated and highly valued.
I am personally truly indebted to Justin’s for his superior customer service.
I am reminded that Justin epitomizes one word giving voice above ALL others in computer customer service - RESPECT ©
RESPECT © Lynn J Coates CMC Retired – Thursday 3rd October 2024.
Response – genuinely warm caring attitude.
Ethical and principled.
Sincere, supportive, sound listening skills.
Professional, Polite, Problem solver.
Exceptional and highly principled.
Courteous and considerate.
Tact, diplomacy, Trust, sincere integrity, Truth – professional and dedicated.
With many thanks to you Justin and to Austin Computers too.
Most sincerely,
Lynn Coates CMC Retired.