BC Law’s Initiative on Land, Housing & Property Rights (ILHPR), founded and directed by Drinan Professor Thomas W. Mitchell, has received an inaugural impact award from Harvard's Legacy of Slavery Ini...
In a poignant final farewell, Impact blog president Tess Halpern writes about her mother's favorite saying, how it got her through a tough job search, and helped her reflect on her law school journey ...
Check out the latest BC Law alumni accomplishments and career developments, including Carmen Messano '77, who just retired as chief judge of New Jersey's Appellate Division, the state's intermediate c...
The Office of Academic and Student Services held the inaugural BC Law 5K Fun Run and Reception on April 19. Nearly 100 students, faculty, and staff members gathered on a beautiful spring afternoon to ...
In BC Law professor Aziz Rana's powerful new book "The Constitutional Bind," he suggests the US needs to think hard about the supposed strengths of its founding document. The book has drawn raves from...
Beacons of Hope: BC Law's Scholarship Dinner celebrates the generosity of alumni and the impact their gifts are having. Read more and view a photo gallery from the event at the link in bio!
Thanks to the support of the BC Law community, the inaugural Law Giving Day on May 1 was a major success! More than 250 donors contributed $81,300+ to the Law School. The day's totals also unlocked a ...