BC Law Graduate Megan Smiley ‘06 is celebrating more than just her 15th reunion this year! Megan is celebrating her great success as the creator of The Lawyer's Escape Pod and the founder of Megan Smi...
Dan Riley writes for Impact: "1L Guide: What is a “Gunner”, and How Can I Stop Being One?" https://bclawimpact.org/2021/09/23/1l-guide-what-is-a-gunner-and-how-can-i-stop-being-one/
Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal discussed the groundbreaking Savino v. Souza class-action lawsuit while delivering his community address as the most recent Rappaport Center Senior Fellow in Residence. Read mor...
In, "New Student, Not So New-Ton," Melissa Gaglia reflects on her time as an undergrad at BC and what it's been like to return to her old stomping grounds as a transfer student at BC Law. https://bcla...
In the latest installment of an annual tradition, the BC Law Black Alumni Network joined forces with the Black Law Students Association and hosted a BAN/BLSA Welcome BBQ for incoming students on Septe...
In "2L: Does it Get Easier?" Fiona Maguire offers tips and suggestions that apply to classes and extracurriculars to help ease the stress of your 2L year. A great resource for anyone feeling a little ...
Congratulations to Professor Ray Madoff, who received her award last night (Sep. 23) for being named to the NonProfit Times Power and Influence 50 list at their Gala in Washington, D.C. This is Prof. ...
"We are better for having known him:" friends, colleagues pay tribute to Paul Kane '70, once a BC Law assistant dean, always a friend to the law school https://lawmagazine.bc.edu/2021/09/we-are-better...