on October 17, 2021
Real pros putting 20V MAX* DEWALT POWERSTACK™ Batteries to the test. Thanks to everyone who came out to experience The Next Dimension in Power™. Check out the link in bio for more details.

on October 14, 2021
Get ready for performance like never before. The 20V MAX* DEWALT POWERSTACK™ Battery is coming. Available 12.01.21.

on October 11, 2021
When you need precise positioning, you need a laser that delivers time and time again.
#DEWALTTough #greenlaser #lasertools #drywall #drywallfinisher #siding #sidingcontractor #sidinglife

on October 16, 2021
Check out Toolpig as he puts the NEW DEWALT POWERSTACK™ Battery to the test.
#DEWALT #DEWALTNEXTDIMENSION #batterypower #powertools #circsaw

on October 13, 2021
The future of cordless battery technology has landed. Introducing the DEWALT POWERSTACK™ Compact Battery—The Next Dimension in Power™. Our most powerful†, most compact, and lightest weight battery‡.

on October 03, 2021
You can never have enough power.
Photo credit: hooligancarpentry

on October 15, 2021
That’s some serious power. Watch how toolsbydesign uses the NEW DEWALT POWERSTACK™ Compact Battery with his 20V MAX* XR® Brushless Cordless 3 in. Cut-Off Tool. See link in bio to learn more.

on October 12, 2021
When you work on tough jobsites, you need a tape to match.
#TOUGHSERIES #tapemeasure #tapemeasures #carpentertools #constructiontools #jobsite #onthejob #toolsofthetrade

on October 02, 2021
If you want our most durable tape out there, you need a TOUGHSERIES™ Tape Measure.