4.9 rating out of 43 reviews

Andrea Gofton
It was in perfect timing that my Z-Etocaps arrived just as I was beginning my Keto health journey. I don’t usually write a review about a product until at least 8 weeks of use, but this product had begun its work within days, so by 8 weeks of continued use, I will be a new woman! My sleep patterns were my most exciting of all to report. I’m sleeping through the night now with 7 hours of sleep and sometimes more. My leg cramps are becoming less irritating that would normally cause sleeplessness. Best of all, I don’t feel hungry and when I do eat, it’s always healthy choices. I have been taking other UR Life products and the combination of them is definitely doing wonders (have lost 2kgs so far). I’m feeling more calm and relaxed (stress and anxiety was through the roof) and have heaps more energy these days. Z-Etocaps are part of my night time routine and I’m really loving life!
10 months ago
Paula Lewis
Been taking this for a week now and I’ve lost 4lbs already definitely be buying more.
10 months ago
Staci Fish
Been using these for a week and I am definitely feeling the benefits, I'm less bloated, my clothes are fitting better and I'm also better too.
10 months ago
Sabrina Rial
I love these I have been taking for a week now. I fall asleep faster and feel more rested when I wake. I can't wait to see more results.
10 months ago
karen Jones
Sleep come at me, OMG first tab, best night sleep I have had in yrs, I take sleepers and the natural ingredients drew me to these instead of chemical sleepers.. do yourself a favour... menopause is nasty
10 months ago
Lucia Antonella zappa
Taking the Z eto 4 days now never slept so well before would get up 2-3 times during the night . Now only once or not at all amazing. Feel less bloated not as hungry the next day . I am very impressed so far x
10 months ago
Jennifer Kline
I haven't checked yet to see if I'm in ketosis or not, but oh my goodness did this help me sleep last night. I've been having problems with my sleep and when I do I'm a light sleeper. Last night I had 2 1/2 hours of DEEP sleep & 45 minutes of REM. I can't wait to take another capsule tonight.
11 months ago
Jennifer Ryder
I've been taking Zetocap for about 10 days now. Have I noticed any differences within my self? Yes! I seem to be sleeping better, I seem to be having improved bowel motions in the mornings. I have increased energy levels especially at that 'mid afternoon' snack time. So far I've noticed these improvements and I expect to notice more during the coming weeks and continuing with the program. Haven't lost any weight yet but I imagine I will notice some changes as time passes and my input diet and output physical activity improves.
6 months ago