Call for Submissions!
The theme of this year's 'Accessing the Divine' PhD student conference (hosted by BC's @boisi_center & @BTheological) is 'Religious Sources of Resilience in an Age of Political ...
Friends, followers and fellow theologians, lend me your ears:
Starting in the new year we are joining the exodus and heading to where the skies are bluer.
We plan to cross-post for the rest of this...
RT @BCBookmarks: .@BosColTheology Flatley Professor David G. Hunter is one of the co-editors of the six-volume 'Brill Encyclopedia of Early…
Olivia Hastie, one of our PhD students, preaches on belonging for the Solemnity of Christ the King. For for the full text and video visit:
Our very own Prof M. Cathleen Kaveny gives the 2024 Devlin Lecture at St. Patrick's Pontifical University in Maynooth:
"East of Eden: A Critique of Nostalgia"
See you there! @AARWeb @SBLsite
@AARweb @SBLsite Also on Tuesday, in the SBL Greco-Roman Religions Section, Professor Joseph Kimmel on 'Ancient Mediterranean Materialism: Onomastic Agency from Tertullian to Jane Bennett'
PhD candidate Megan Hopkins, in AAR's unit on Comparative Studies in Religion, presents 'Epistemology and Embodiment at the Ritual Turn'. Next Tuesday, Nov 26th, 8:30 - 10AM @AARweb @SBLsite
@AARweb @SBLsite. Next Monday's SBL Development of Early Christian Theology Section, on the theme of 'Doctrine and Scriptural Exegesis, Open Session II' will be presided over by Professor Michael Magr...
Don't miss Sunday's Colloquium on Violence and Religion (9:30-11AM) with PhD student Matthew Cuff on
'The Politics of the Cross: Insights from Girard, Ellacuría, and Lonergan'
@AARweb @SBLsite
On Sunday 11/24, at @AARweb @SBLsite annual meeting:
In the Comparative Theology Unit, Professor Matthew Vale presents 'Is There an Early Christian “Subtle Body”? Pauline Pneuma and Tibetan' Parallels...
Coming up on Sunday at the annual meeting @AARweb @SBLsite: Professor Jason Welle presides over the Ecclesiological Investigations Unit, with PhD candidate Brett O'Neill, on 'Borders, Immigration, and...
Coming up on Monday 11/25 at the @AARweb @SBLsite's annual meeting, Prof Brian Robinette is a panelist in the Christian Systematic Theology Unit.
Theme: Book panel on Judith Wolfe, The Theological Im...
Next Monday, in the unit on Sacred Texts and Ethics Unit, professor Joseph Kimmel on 'The Ethics of Exorcism: Hierarchical Violence in Humans’ Encounters with Demons' @AARweb @SBLsite
Next Monday, 11/25 @AARweb @SBLsite, PhD candidate Jamie Myrose, on 'Present in Body and Spirit: Friendship Across the Boundary of Death' in the seminar: Religious Reflections on Friendship