In the Interreligious & Interfaith Studies Unit, on the theme of 'Christian Imaginations of the Other: The Impact of Religionization and Racialization on (Inter)Religious Studies' - Dr. Catherine Corn...
RT @SBLsite: Avoid long registration lines by printing your name badge early for the 2024 SBL Annual Meeting! #SBLAAR24…
RT @sofcethics: Congratulations to SCE member Stephanie C. Edwards on the publication of Enfleshed Counter-Memory with @OrbisBooks! https:/…
The next time I see you in the department, Stephanie, I'll congratulate you in person!
So many BC Theology faculty, PhD candidates and graduates of our program are presenting, we just can’t name them all.
Join us – we’re bringing @BostonCollege to San Diego!
AAR/SBL is coming up - we hope to see you there!
RT @BC_CTE: Our final New Faculty Seminar of the semester is on “Jesuit Basics” and will be held on Nov. 19, 12 -1.30. Tomeu Estelrich will…
RT @mattrcrawford: In collaboration with @HFHarvard, @BaylorISR, @BosColTheology ACU's Rome campus will next year host the second biennial…
She's the best!!
RT @JonathanRHeaps: Are you or do you know a Lonergan-curious Patristics scholar? The Lonergan Institute at Seton Hall is hoping to hold a…
RT @jesuitnews: Theologian @nicholemflores discusses polarization and how we might try to seek out spaces in our daily lives that are not j…
Proud to announce our 3 new ABDs, who have survived the ordeal of Comps!
Hearty congratulations to Michael Costas (Systematic Theology), @barbkozee (Theological Ethics), and Shinjae Lee (Comparative...
RT @justindeanlee: I’m excited finally to dive into @DunsSj’s Theology of Horror.
RT @JosMoonsSJ: Happy to share a first announcement of the book on the future of #synodality that i wrote with Kristin Colberg (@Collegevil…