Director of @boisi_center Mark Massa SJ, conference organizer par excellence:
'Orthodox and Catholic Theories of Just War in Light of the Ukraine Invasion'
Profs M. Cathleen Kevin, Brian Dunkle SJ & ...
March 25th - Race & Religion 3rd annual Interdisciplinary Grad Student Conference! @boisi_center
Call for papers addressing current, historical, and emerging issues at the intersection of these topi...
Registration is now open for the second annual
Accessing the Divine Conference - March 3, 2023!
Title: Interdependent Bodies: Disability, Creation, and (Re)imagining Relationality
Upcoming on January 26!
The Aquinas Center & Candler Catholic Studies Center's annual Aquinas Day Lecture from theological ethics alumnus Dr. Craig A. Ford, Jr @cfordjr.
Link to register: https://t....
New publication from Systematic Theology Professor Brian Robinette!
"The Difference Nothing Makes: Creation, Christ, Contemplation" @UNDPress
available here:
And now, an update from Greece:
Systematic theology PhD candidate Sarah Livick-Moses @idid_not_laugh presenting her paper:
"Even so, Come Lord Jesus: An Eschatological Theology of Truama" at the Int'...
Congratulations Katie and Robert!
With blessings to all the Mylroie family as they adjust to being a family of five!
We are sending loving prayers of healing and support.
Exciting news from the BC theology extended family:
Maximilian Kelly Mylroie!
Born December 27, 2022, 9lbs 9oz and 22.5 inches long!
Something for the collection? @burnslibrary
1615 Bible brought to the New World by the founder of @TauntonMass set to go under the hammer in Belfast...
This copy of the Geneva Bible was taken to wha...
So proud and excited for @emma_mcdonald21!
She is an absolute star - congratulations!
Excited to see that Villanova’s newest theological ethics faculty member @emma_mcdonald2...
Coming up:
Prof Emma Polyakov, Comparative theology alum, on :
"The Nun in the Synagogue: Judeocentric Catholicism in Israel"
January 11th from 12 -1:15pm EST (via Zoom)
One more photo of Lisa Sowle Cahill accepting her Lifetime Achievement Award.
@sofethics @SceWomen #sce2023 @BosColTheology
Tomorrow, Jan 8th from 9 - 10:15 am CST
Concurrent session # 6, Salon 10, floor 3
PhD candidate Emma McDonald on:
'Ecclesial Barriers to Moral Discernment for American Catholics Facing Fertility Chal...
Tomorrow January 7th, from 4:15-5:30 pm CST
Concurrent session #5, Salon 3, floor 3
Alum Dr. Nichole M. Flores presents:
'A Catalyzing Hope: Crucifixion and Resurrection in the Aesthetics of Social M...
And the Society of Ethics Lifetime Achievement Award goes to.....
Our very own Lisa Sowle Cahill!!!
Congratulations - what a (well-deserved) honor!!
@sofcethics #sofcethics23