So proud of Systematic area doctoral candidate Chanelle Robinson - shown here at the launch of The Indigenous Languages Decade @UNESCO ! @ChanelleRobin #IndigenousLanguages #IDIL2022-2032
Dr. John Carter with the members of his board: Professors Keenan, Cahill, and Kaveny, pictured before they started in on the celebratory rum balls🤩
Congratulations to Dr. John Carter @roguebaptist who successfully defended his dissertation today!
Title: 'The Communitarian Conscience: A Theological Response to Legal Debates about Religious Freedo...
Systematics PhD Candidate Sarah Livick-Moses @idid_not_laugh gave a lecture last week at her Alma Mater @HCHCBoston:
"Fr. Sergii Bulgakov and the Logic of Sophia".
Doctoral student in Systematic Theology Chanelle Robinson invited to attend UNESCO's launch event in France
Kudos, Barb!
Hi everyone! This is a photo of me preaching for the first time—I believe that ordination is a gender justice issue and today #GivingTuesday I am fundraising for ...
Boston College's Reception at the AAR/SBL annual meeting. Over 100 people participated: current colleagues, graduate students, and alumni from both the STM and the Theology Department.
BC's Systematic Theologians bringin' it to Denver! #aarsbl22
L-R rear: Prof Brian Robinette, Zac Karanovich & Alumnus Nathan Wood-House @PredestiNathan.
L-R front: Maddie Jarrett @M_Jarrett11, La...
Photo from Dr. Lindsay Marcellus' dissertation defense!
🌟Congratulations to Dr. Lindsay Marcellus!
Today she successfully defended her dissertation:
'Perfecting Ecological Relationality: Acknowledging Sin and the Cardinal Virtue of Humility'.
Directed by ...
From last year's conference: Reimagining the Moral Life:
On Lisa Sowle Cahill’s Contributions to Christian Ethics @BosColTheology @bcstm
Thank you for sharing!
And a heads up for those who know & esteem him: our irreplaceable professor of ethics Fr. Kenneth Himes will be retiring at the end of this year 😑
Next Weds, 11/9 @ 4:30 PM ⭐️
Don't miss Prof Brian Robinette's lecture, preceding the Early Renaissance composer Johannes Okeghem's Requiem Mass at St. Paul's, Harvard Sq.
Performance by Blue Heron, ...
Newsworthy discovery which may pique the interest of Theologians, Classicists, Astonomers, people who have always wondered what a palimpsest is, and more!