Last night's celebration 🌟 What a great group of ABDs!
Comprehensive exams? check!!✅
Congratulations to Doctoral candidates @msdelvillart, @idid_not_laugh & Johny Steichen in the Systematics Area, Theological Ethics' @oneillbrett & Qi Zeng and @Holmes_Aus...
Volume II, Issue I of Mystērion: The Theology Journal of Boston College, which features essays from undergraduate students that address themes in the recently published Christianity and the Law of Mi...
The @BC_CTE Graduate Student Teaching Recognition Ceremony was held today. The Ceremony recognized students who completed the Apprenticeship in College Teaching program and the Donald J. White Tea...
Congratulations Theological Ethics alumna @nicholemflores
2021-22, Nichole M. Flores. A deep thank you to @KingsCollege_PA, and especially to @fatherwurtz for the honor of giv...
Tomorrow at noon - Doctoral Candidate @roguebaptist presents at the Clough Graduate Workshop: "The Conscience and the Moral Act"
April 29 1 -3 PM (ET) Systematics faculty member Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez moderates the virtual seminar Narratives of Resistance IV: "Naming and Facing Systemic Violence in the United States; Resistance...
Out now!
Systematics alumni @JessicaCoblentz and @DanHoranOFM are co-editors of the 2021 @CTStheology annual volume. With contributions from BC alumni Derek Brown and Tracy Tiemeier, ethics doctoral c...
@Christo62613595 @bhimes810 Yes, there in spirit!
A proud moment! @bhimes810 🌟
Congratulations, Doctor Himes!
Congrats Dr. @bhimes810!
“Max Scheler on Love and Human Dignity: The Wertkern as Resolving the Aporia of Dialogical and Metaphysical Personalism on the Knowledge of Persons”
Dissertation directed by ...
Perspectives from Ukraine - Join us tomorrow, April 20 from 12-1 EST... doctoral student in Comparative Theology Katie Mahowski Mylroie moderates:
Systematic area doctoral candidate @ByronDWratee NCR with Olga Segura: Reclaiming space for Black Catholics via @NCRonline