Today 2:30PM PDT ( Zoom 4) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Systematic Theology alum @DunsSj ~ "No Orthopathy without Orthoaesthesis: On the Necessity of Negative Effort" #CTSA2021 #Cele...
Today 11AM PDT ( Zoom 2) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Theological Ethics doctoral candidate Nicholas Hayes Mota ~ "The Challenge of the Common Good: Applying Catholic Social Teaching thro...
Today 11AM PDT ( Zoom 2) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Theological Ethics alumna Stephanie C. Edwards "The Labor of Memory: Disentangling Trauma, Healing, and Institutional Results" #CTSA...
Today 11AM PDT ( Zoom 8) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Systematic Theology alum Robert Rivera ~ "Catholicity in an Age of Globalization: The Contribution of Edward Schillebeeckx" #CTSA20...
Today 11AM PDT ( Zoom 6) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Theological Ethics alum @geraldjbeyer ~ "Curing the 'Disease' in Corporatized Higher Education: Prescriptions form the Catholic Socia...
@KristinHeyer on care work in the pandemic. @theCTSA
The biggest AMEN! To Prof. M. Shawn Copeland of @BosColTheology for a powerful and direct and challenging ‘altar call’ to Catholic Theologians in the USA during this morning’s @theCTSA plenary panel!...
"What kind of theologians are we if the mildest form of action against racism is considered optional in Catholic theology?" --M. Shawn Copeland @BosColTheology #ctsa2021
Today 2:30PM PDT ( Zoom 8) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Theological Ethics doctoral candidate Xavier Montecel ~ "Liturgy and Ethics: Weaving Together the Work of the People and the Work o...
Today 2:30PM PDT ( Zoom 7) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Prof @AntusElizabeth ~ "What Does a Political, Liberationist Approach to Mental Illness Look Like?" #CTSA2021 #Celebrate75
Today 2:30PM PDT ( Zoom 2) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Systematic Theology doctoral candidate Benjamin Hohman ~ "Animal, Vegetable , or Mineral? The Effacement of Creaturehood in Wartime...
Today 2:30PM PDT (Zoom 3) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter Systematic area alumna and Prof. Emerita M. Shawn Copeland ~ "Black Theology and the Present Moment" #CTSA2021 #Celebrate75
Today 2:30PM PDT ( Zoom 1) @CTSA 75th Annual Convention Presenter, Theological Ethics alum @kevin_ahern ~ "Uncovering the Bushels: Rediscovering the Spiritualities of Work in the Young Catholic Work...
Congratulations Systematic Theology alum @BrianPFlanagan @CTStheology President.
Woke up feeling refreshed from such a stimulating @CTStheology Annual Meeting, and grateful t...