Hi everyone, I’m Lai Lai, one of the Orientation Leaders this summer, and I wanted to let you know about an amazing place on campus - the Women’s Center! The Women’s Center is located at on the 4th floor of Maloney Hall, and works to support, educate, and empower students of all genders. I have the privilege of working in this space as an undergraduate staff member, and we work together to provide mentorship programs, events, and conversations about intersectional social justice issues and student issues on campus. Some of my favorite events this past year were Love Your Body Week and our monthly dinner series DISH. Some other important resources to take note of - the Women’s Center facilitate the Bystander intervention program for first-year students and also hosts SANet - a confidential and anonymous hotline for those who have been directly or indirectly affected by sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence. When you step on to BC campus, we would love for you to visit us in the Center! It’s a great place to have some cookies, tea, and good conversation :)