Photo post from bcstm.
April 15, 2024
"For most of my life, I knew God darkly through the lens of nationalism and philosophy. My mixed den...
Photo post from bcstm.
April 03, 2024
"Hi! I'm Abby, a local to the Boston area, working on my Masters in Theology and Ministry. I’m inter...
Photo post from bcstm.
March 27, 2024
"When I think about what I am grateful for during my time at the CSTM, it is not the academic enrich...
Photo post from bcstm.
March 22, 2024
"I can remember being 14 years old and asking my dad to talk to the organist at my church to see if ...
Photo post from bcstm.
March 14, 2024
"During the 2023 Summer at STM session, Sr. Meg Guider gave our class the opportunity to take a more...