Photo post from bcstm.
March 01, 2024
"When I was a kid, my summer camp counselor gave each of us campers a card with our name’s supposed ...
Photo post from bcstm.
February 13, 2024
"My life was once flooded with 'God winks.' A ladybug on my leg or a spontaneous catch up with a fri...
Photo post from bcstm.
February 07, 2024
"What does it mean to you to 'find God in all things?' Laughter has always been the primary way I c...
Photo post.
December 20, 2023
"What would I be happiest doing?" I first thought of becoming a priest in response to that question ...
Photo post.
December 12, 2023
"Studying with my brothers and sisters, lay and religious, from different backgrounds is a unique an...