Due to forecasted extreme temperatures, the Theis/Cornfeld Recycling Center, located at 635 Illick’s Mill Road, will be closed on Saturday 2/4/23. We thank you for your understanding and continued su...
In this episode of The Bethlehem Corner, we visit Studio 11, the Bethlehem Area Public Library's very own music studio.
Through the efforts of grants and the generosity of community members, Studio ...
On December 31st, 1956, Vivian T. Hungerford became the first African American employee in Bethlehem’s City Hall, working in what was then the “Earned Income Wage Tax Department” until 1959. Vivian re...
In this episode of The Bethlehem Corner, we visit Studio 11, The Bethlehem Area Public Library's very own music studio.
Through the efforts of grants and the generosity of community members, Studio ...
Thank you to everyone who attended our Community Recovery Fund info session yesterday. We’re eager for the application to open and hope that organizations are eager to apply for funds that will transf...