User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 20, 2024
Photo post from @BCCarrollSchool.
Remote work is a popular perk for employees, but should CEOs be afforded the same luxury? Research by CSOM professor Ran Duchin, featured by @FinancialTimes, suggests long-distance leaders can have adverse effects on companies and their shareholders.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 09, 2024
Can AI bolster innovation at your company? It depends. While AI tools can aid innovation efforts, they’re no replacement for human creativity and decision-making, CSOM professor Sam @Ransbotham and a colleague write in @HarvardBiz.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 15, 2024
Is CMO the most important role in a company? CSOM professor John Fisher thinks so. He shared his thoughts on a recent episode of @AMA_Marketing‘s Marketing / And podcast, including topics like brand personalities and the rise of shoes as entertainment.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 07, 2024
Photo post from @BCCarrollSchool.
Many young Boomers “are going into retirement without resources they need,” reports @WSJ. @RetirementRsrch says there are many contributing factors to the issue, including a disconnect between working and wealth accumulation.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 13, 2024
The difficulties of returning to work after giving birth are often misunderstood by employers. In research highlighted by @HarvardBiz, CSOM professor Benjamin Rogers and colleagues identify the types of support that new mothers need in the workplace.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 06, 2024
Students from @corcorancenter Urban Action Lab analyzed a law that allows faith-based organizations to develop affordable housing on their properties and found it could potentially allow for 80,000 new affordable housing units in Massachusetts.