User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
September 26, 2022
“BC was an incredibly fundamental part to not only my life but also the life of this company,” says Jimmy McDermott ’21, about @gotranseo, the life-readiness software company he co-founded, which tracks service work, work experiences, and grad plans.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
September 20, 2022
What does R-E-S-P-E-C-T mean to employees? Management and Organization professor Beth Schinoff looks at the challenges managers face in showing respect to employees who work remotely. #remotework
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
September 23, 2022
Will Gen Z workers be able to retire early? Alicia Munnell, Center for @RetirementRsrch director, explores recent shifts in retirement age for @Money Magazine and how younger “super savers” could buck those trends.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
September 19, 2022
How should retailers handle #stockouts? In Harvard Business Review (@HarvardBiz), Assistant Professor of Business Analytics Dmitry Mitrofanov analyzes whether being honest with customers is the most effective strategy.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
September 22, 2022
The Carroll School’s “principles of selfless service, unpretentiousness, and adaptability” convinced Christopher Collar, MBA ‘22, that Boston College's full-time MBA program was right for him. Read what else he had to say in @PoetsAndQuants MBAs to Watch.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
September 16, 2022
Alicia Munnell, Center for @RetirementRsrch director, comments on the large increase on tap for Social Security's cost-of-living adjustment benefits in 2023. “Such a large COLA will be more than retirees need to keep up with rising prices.”