September 01, 2022
A volatile market may spark the fears of retirees worrying about their assets, but according to recent research from the Boston College Center for @RetirementRsrch, a bigger financial threat may be looming: increased life expectancy. https://t.co/Qr88xxutnQ

August 29, 2022

Happy first day of classes, Eagles! Wishing you all a successful and exciting semester.

August 31, 2022
“BC talks about developing the whole person,” says Marcus Valdez MBA ‘25, defensive lineman for the Eagles. He shares how Boston College gave him the opportunity to extend his college football career and pursue a graduate degree. https://t.co/Y1wNoAgzer

August 26, 2022
Registration is now open for the 2023 Management Intensive. Held over five days in March on the Boston College campus, participants will learn from faculty at the Carroll School and earn a certificate in corporate citizenship management from @BCCCC.

August 30, 2022

Every member of the Carroll School class of 2026 begins their introduction to the interdisciplinary qualities of a management education at Boston College with the Carroll School’s signature Portico course. https://t.co/yX3BQyP0b3 Photo: Izzy Potter ‘24

August 25, 2022

The countdown is on until campus looks like this again. We’re ready for you, Eagles! 🦅