User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 03, 2022
How can management show respect for their employees, both remotely and in-person? CSOM prof. Beth Schinoff and co-author Kristie Rogers explore this question with new research published in @mitsmr.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 29, 2022
Congratulations to CSOM finance prof. Simcha Barkai, who was named one of the inaugural @ChicagoBooth Stigler Center Affiliate Fellows! The new fellowship supports research on political economy, regulatory capture, and competitive markets.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 02, 2022
Photo post from @BCCarrollSchool.
Congrats to the Summer Management Catalyst Program Class of ‘22! Last month, 76 arts and sciences majors graduated from the intensive eight-week program designed to help non-management majors develop a foundation in the functional areas of management.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 28, 2022
During an economic downturn, sustainable practices might be a win for companies. According to CSOM management prof. Sandra Waddock, sustainability initiatives are often “sensible measures that actually save money for the firm.” Read more in @politico.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
August 01, 2022
@nytimes highlighted new research by Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for @RetirementRsrch, concluding that major factors delaying men’s retirement over the past three decades are now unlikely to increase the average retirement age going forward.
User profile - @BCCarrollSchool.
July 27, 2022
Carroll School prof. David Twomey has been named by President Biden to an emergency board helping to resolve disputes between freight rail carriers and their unions. An expert on employment and labor law, Twomey has previously served on similar boards.