User profile - Denis Gagné.
Denis Gagné
Very good products and well made.
3 years ago
User profile - John Perri.
John Perri
I was dealing with 6 x 6 cedar material and the height of the posts 12'. lifting the entire 'roof' (4 posts with 4 brackets) was a real pain. And dangerous. We managed to get it done but it was way more work that it needed to be. my recommendation would be that you manufacture a hinged corner bracket so it is easier to erect the 'roof'
3 years ago
User profile - Ryan Wallingford.
Ryan Wallingford
High quality brackets and shade sails, screws were a bit finicky and tended to strip very easily and have issues going into my cedar planks. If you need additional screws the #12 x 1-1/2 inch stainless steel sheet metal screws (by Everbilt, with Pan Head Phillips, 585 632) from Home Depot work perfectly, they are stainless steel which is great for all weather types, the screw caps from Toja Grid fit them, and you can get a 20 pack for about $3.00. .
3 years ago
User profile - Enrique Garcia.
Enrique Garcia
The concept is very straight forward. It’s simple and effective. I do feel like it should be warned that if doing a 6x6 system, a lot more than 4 people are going to be needed to lift the top section over to slide the posts under it. We had a really hard time between 6 people. The reason for only 4 stars is one of the clips of the shades came broken out of the box. I ended up just tying a knot to avoid the return shipment and all that. Overall I would recommend. A lot cheaper than having a company come out and build a pergola. I was quoted $22k for a 12’x20’ by a local company, yikes.
3 years ago
User profile - Pat Stewart.
Pat Stewart
Wonderful customer service. Great product! Buy good wooden posts. Had to shave mine...
3 years ago
User profile - Mark Archer.
Mark Archer
I have not even taken the hammock out of the box yet. Waiting till the spring to install. Thanks mark
3 years ago
User profile - Bonnie Fisher.
Bonnie Fisher
We recently assembled our Toja Grid Pergola using their kit. I like the finish product, however when assembling one of the top brackets split at the side seam. I don't think it should effect the durability of the pergola as we have screwed in the beams, but it was unfortunate as you want to ensure the structure is a secure as possible, and it's something to be aware of when building it. I did contact Toja Grid and they offered to replace the bracket, but at this point it's screwed into place and would be challenging to remove. We are happy with our pergola, but please be aware this could happen when assembling.
3 years ago
User profile - Nada Tiberio.
Nada Tiberio
Great looking system but it wasn't easy to install as the video's provided seem to make out. Thank goodness we hired someone who had experience installing these grids as there were many installation details missed by the manufacturer. Also wish there were other accessories offered such as mosquito netting, sun shades, roof system, etc to make it a one stop shop
3 years ago