RT @KristinHeyer: Hearty congratulations to @AimeeAllisonPhD on the publication of Theology in Motion: Migration, History and Responsibil…
Nov. 5th:
Women's Religious Life: Tibetan and Catholic nuns in conversation.
Geshe-ma Dawa Dolma and our own Sr. Ligita Ryliškytė discuss the meaning of their vocation, the obstacles they have faced...
Nov 1st: We celebrate the life and legacy of Gustave Gutiérrez.
His tireless work for human life & dignity and against oppression in Latin America & elsewhere built the foundation for Liberation Th...
RT @synd_network: MT Dávila wraps up our symposium on @TheKateWard's WEALTH, VIRTUE, AND MORAL LUCK by introducing pertinent research from…
RT @BostonCollege: .@BosColTheology's new academic offerings will deepen students’ exposure to theology and connect with other disciplines.…
RT @ByronDWratee: Join me in DC on November 1-3rd for this year's Forward Religions Conference @NMAAHC, where I'll engage other thought lea…
RT @MaryAnnHinsdale: Stop Misusing Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Support Political Violence and Christian Nationalism - Sign the Petition!
RT @BostonCollege: With rising antisemitism and war in Gaza, Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, @BosColTheology Professor & Center for Christian-J…
RT @Nifty_Nico: Our special issue of the @JCST2003 on "Organizing, Synodality, and Catholic Social Thought and Practice" is now released!…
RT @MillennialJourn: .@DrClarkM1 describes how “Isolation and Loneliness Threaten the Common Good”
You don't want to miss this: https://t.co/icsvAWJLcg
RT @OrbisBooks: Co-editors Elizabeth Donnelly and Russ Petrus will be joined by contributors to the Year C volume This event is free, but r…
RT @GUberkleycenter: @DrClarkM1 We are excited to welcome @BosColTheology’s Cathleen Kaveny to give the 2024 Berkley Center Lecture and con…