Professor Brian Robinette will be part of an online book launch featuring the recently translated diaries of Sergius Bulgakov, one of the greatest Orthodox theologians of the 20th century on August 13...
ngratulations to doctoral candidate @KatieMylroie for her piece "Sant'Egidio at Boston College," in @C21Center's 'Faith in Action around the World' resource.
PDF available here:
ngratulations to doctoral candidate @laurelmpotter for her article "Yeast in the Dough: Marginal Ecclesial Communities in Contemporary El Salvador," published in the journal Ecclesiology last month!
Alumna Dr. Elyse Raby (systematics) and alumni Dr. Kevin Ahern (ethics), and Dr. @BrianPFlanagan (systematics) are featured in the latest edition of Horizons, the journal of the Catholic Theological S...
dove deeply into the heart of Tibetan Buddhist understanding and practice, explored how such teachings may meet Western minds and modern problems, and attended to aspects of Christian understanding a...
Last week, department faculty Brian Robinette
and John Makransky engaged Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a renowned modern Tibetan lama, in a dialogue. A link to video of the event may be found here: https:...
ngratulations to Systematics alum Dr. Marcel Uwineza, SJ @mwizasjbc for being selected as the next Academic Dean for Hekima Jesuit School of Theology in Nairobi Ken
Pictured with advisor Dr. Andrew Prevot, spouse @emilygwoodhouse doctoral cadidates @ByronDWratee, Zac Karanovich, and @
Congratulations to Dr. Nathan Wood-House @PredestiNathan who successfully defended his dissertation on Friday titled "Toward an Anti-Racist Political Theology: Reading Johann Baptist Metz and James H...
A new article "The Offering of Incense. Jewish Mystical Perspectives on Disease and Healing" by doctoral candidate in Comparative Theology @domenoak appears in this volume the Journal Dialog (Wiley)
Congratulations Systematics alum Dr. Anthony Coleman for his new role as Director for the Master of Arts in Ministry (MAM) and Master of Theological Studies (MTS) Degree Programs at Saint John’s Semin...
Widely respected Catholic theologian Rev. Michael J. Himes, a beloved faculty member at Boston College for almost three decades, died on June 10 at the age of 75.
Doctoral candidates @laurelmpotter and Megan Hopkins presenting at CTSA in the Comparative Theology Section
Laurel's paper: “All Catholic Theology is Comparative Theology”
Megan's paper: “Ritual as ...
Coming up:
Prof Fred Lawrence directs the 49th Lonergan Workshop - Mon thru Thurs, June 20-23.
The theme is The Challenge of Conversational Accompaniment and Synodality: Political and Ecclesial.