@ByronDWratee, PhD candidate in Systematic Theology, presents “Sisters and Brothers in the Wilderness: The Technocratic Paradigm and Howard Thurman’s Wilderness Theology” Today from 2:30-4:15 in the P...
Systematic Theology alumnus and faculty member Matt Petillo presents “Divine Love in a Global Context: Insights from Lonergan”- in The Grace Needed for Salvation: The Insights from Three Thomists sess...
At the Voting Rights and Moral Agency selected session, BC doubles down with moderator @DavidDeCosse and panelist @nicholemflores, both BC Theological Ethics alumni - from 2:30-4:15 #CTSA2022
BC at #CTSA2022!
Today from 2:30 - 4:15. Michael Magree SJ, Historical Theology faculty member, presents in the Post-Post-Conciliar Millennial Theologians Interest Group: “Does the Past Have a Future...
@megrhop, Doctoral candidate in Comparative Theology presents “Ritual as Comparative Source Material: Illustrated through Eucharist and Dhikr” in the Comparative Theology Topic Session - Today from 2:...
More BC at #CTSA2022!
Systematics/Comparative PhD candidate @laurelmpotter presents "All Catholic Theology is Comparative Theology” Today from 2:30 - 4:15 in the Comparative Theology Topic Session
Today from 2:30 - 4:15 in the Historical Theology II topic session #CTSA2022 - Historical Theology alumna Nicole Reibe on “When Good Theology Loses: The Failed Theology of Christian Unity in Late Med...
Theological Ethics alumna Megan McCabe presents to the panel "Institutional Responses to Sexual Abuse: Two Cases” in the session Today from 11 - 12:45: Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church #CTS...
BC at the #CTSA2022! Today from 2:30 - 4:15, recent Comparative Theology graduate @VZCollins presents “Toward Rectifying Terrestrial Habits: “Respect for Nature,” Muslim-Christian Dialogue and the Eth...
Katherine Jackson-Meyer, Theological Ethics alumna, presents “Moral Distress and Moral Resilience: Areas in Need of Interreligious Inquiry”in the Bioethics/Healthcare Topic Session.
Today from 11 - 1...
Anna Bonta Moreland, Systematic Theology alumna, gives a paper in the Fundamental Theology/Method Topic Session, Sat 6/11 from 11-12:45 AM @theCTSA - "The Methodologies of Comparative Theology: A Cr...
Theological ethics alumnus Dr. Daniel J. Daly presents “Envisioning the Virtuous Hospital: On an Ethical Framework Emerging from a Dialogue among Catholic and Secular Health Care Organizational Ethics...
Systematics Theology alumnus @BrianPFlanagan presents on “Synodality Beyond Collegiality” Today from 11 - 12:45 in the Church/Ecumenism Topic Session #CTSA2022.
Comparative Theology PhD candidate Katie Mylroie presents “Exploring Ecofeminist Methodology: Insights from comparing Ivone Gebara’s Trinitarian Theology with the Hindu Kali Tantric Tradition”, 6/11 f...
Systematics alumna Kathleen Mroz on "The Choice Between Faith and Recovery: The Need for Interreligious Cooperation When Talking About Mental Illness”, in the Theologies of Hope in Light of Contempora...